Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Moving Foods: A Series - Buffalo Pulled Chicken Sandwiches

Quickest update ever- I moved. I completed my internship and graduated and I moved across the country to a city I'd never spent more than two weeks in. I moved and got a job and a dog and survived my first southern "winter storm" and did a milk-and-TP-and-bread run and I love every bit of my life here.

I also just moved into what will hopefully be one of my last temporary living situations. See, in the last three years, I have moved a grand total of seven times (eight times if you count the two times I moved all of my belongings into a storage unit between leases as .5 a move). I'd like to think that I've become an expert on moving- there's a timeline that's full of procrastinating and packing and repacking and trying use up all the food in the house so that I don't have to move it.

That's what today's recipe is- I had buffalo sauce, frozen chicken breasts, and some of those random seasoning packets that just seem to appear out of thin air, and I magicked it into an edible recipe! Here we go, let's see if I remember how to do this.

For this recipe, you will need:

  • 2-3 Chicken breasts (will make 6-8 sandwiches)
  • 1 Ranch dressing packet
  • 1 cup Buffalo Sauce
  • Hamburger buns
  • Crumbled blue cheese 

  1. Remember to defrost chicken. I know, you're all saying BECCA YOU HATED USING BAG CHICKEN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU shhhhhhh. It's fine, totally fine. I have made peace with frozen, in-a-bag chicken and I actually prefer using it in slow-cooker recipes now. 
  2. Rinse and trim said chicken
  3. Place chicken breasts in a clean mixing bowl, cover with ranch seasoning. Turn chicken breast over and repeat. If using only two chicken breasts, I would try and use only about 1/2 the packet on this step. Save 1/4-1/2 of the packet for later. 
    Me, failing to pour ranch seasoning uniformly
  4. Place chicken breasts in your slow cooker, then pour on 1 cup of your buffalo sauce of choice, or until all chicken is nearly submerged
    ~Artsy Picture of me pouring buffalo sauce onto raw chicken~
  5. Put on the lid, set some sort of timer for somewhere between 3-4 hours (low) or two hours (high). Then walk away and watch TV or do homework or do chores or finish unpacking like you've been telling your parents you will for at least two weeks now. 
  6. Just kidding. About halfway through the total cook time, go ahead and give it a stir, just to make sure that it doesn't burn. 

  7. At the end of your desired cook time, remove the chicken breasts and shred on a plate. Reintroduce to buffalo sauce. Guys I'm getting so good at shredding chicken, it's unreal. Definitely my "Most Improved Skill" since starting this blog over a year and a half ago. 
    No but seriously, I'm getting so good at shredding chicken.
  8. Pour in the rest of the ranch dressing packet now that chicken is shredded for maximum flavor (I mean, if you want, I'm not the boss of you) and give it a few more stirs before serving.
    Finished product, sans celery because of reasons
  9. Serve on hamburger (or other) buns with blue cheese crumbles or blue cheese dressing and celery slices, and enjoy.

And there you have it, my first recipe of 2016.  I have really missed cooking, or more accurately, cooking for this blog, and hopefully my life will allow me to post regularly this year. I'm a little rusty, but that's why I have this blog, why I have to get back to cooking new things regularly, so I don't just eat Spaghettios and Lean Cuisine for the rest of my life.

For the rest of March, I will be posting once a week on Wednesdays, and then we will be back to the biweekly, Tuesday and Thursday schedule in April. For a change of pace, my posts may not all be recipes, I may include some other things and projects that I'm working on but as always, I'm totally open to recipe and technique suggestions! 

Please feel free to comment below or send your feedback / recipe / topic suggestions to

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