Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Chicken From Hell Returns!

Sorry about last week! I had an old friend from high school come visit and that threw my whole weekend preparation off. But, don't worry, I still had time to make some food!

Today's recipe contains the Chicken From Hell and is courtesy of my Grandma Jo. It's called Chicken Fiesta, and it's a four-ingredient recipe my grandma handed to me on a card the day I left Chicago to come back to school after summer break.

Ordinarily, it's made in a huge crock pot and feeds my sub-section of our enormous extended family. I don't have a crockpot big enough to feed an army of a small country, but I do have one of those tiny-baby crock pots. It's red. I love it, even if all I've used it for up to this point is to warm chili or italian beef while I'm at a night class.

This recipe took almost no time, almost no prep, and almost no thought. But it's delicious, and I will definitely make this again next time I have to be at class for six straight hours. Also, unfortunately iCloud confuses me and it would appear I deleted all the pictures I have of this. But again, very easy. You'll be able to figure it out. :)

Here's what you'll need!

  • Eight chicken breasts, cubed. I used two. Probably could've gone with three. 
  • Two cans of diced tomatoes. I used one. I eat tomatoes like candy.
  • One can of corn, drained. I used one of the little itty-bitty cans. Next time, I'll go one further and use only half of that.
  • One packet of taco mix. You might remember that I like things spicy. I used the full packet. #YOLO

The actual process of making this is simple.

  1. Defrost chicken (it only took 26 hours this time, guys! Improvement!)
  2. Cut into cubes. Throw into adorable crock pot. 
  3. Add diced tomatoes. 
  4. Add Corn. 
  5. Add taco mix. 
  6. Stir to combine.
  7. Place lid on crock pot, cook on low for 8 hours. Between the reduced yield (that's a cooking word, right?) and the smaller pot, mine was ready in about 4.  
And there you have it! Chicken Fiesta, ready to serve. It's delicious and warm and perfect with tortilla chips. You can even add sour cream or cheese to it, but it's so tasty, you don't have to!

Since I missed last Thursday, I'm going to be doubling up this Thursday. That's right folks, two posts for the price of one! I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to be making, but either way, it'll be an adventure. As always, please feel free to suggest meals or techniques you would like to see! I've appreciated every comment I've received. If you do have a suggestion or a question, or a hilarious youtube video of a cat you think I should see, please feel free to email me at dontexpectmiraclesblog@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!

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