Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Creamy Buffalo Penne

Hopefully now I have my life back together- so sorry for last week. I was sick and generally, when you're sick, the last thing you want is to make real food.

I could show you my super-secret recipe for canned chicken soup from the microwave, saltine crackers and sprite, but something tells me that no one wants to see that. 

However, with enough rest I was feeling loads better this weekend, and was able to do some cooking I am actually quite proud of, and will share with you this week! First off, Buffalo Chicken Penne. 

This recipe was both simple and challenging. It required me to do a lot of things that I had never done before- boiling and shredding chicken, making a cream sauce, minimizing the number of pans I used (five, due to a lot of mis-measuring on my part). However, when it was all done, this dish was delicious.

You will need: 

1 pound of Chicken Breasts, either halved or cubed
1 package (8 oz) of Cream Cheese  
1/3 cup (or more!) of Buffalo Sauce
1/2 cup of Chicken Broth
1 tsp of Paprika
1/2 tsp of Black Pepper
1 tsp of Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp of Kosher Salt
3/4 cup (or more!) of Blue Cheese Dressing
12 oz (about 3/4 of a box) of uncooked Penne Pasta
Green Onions (to taste)
Red Pepper Flakes (to taste)

  1. First, take the chicken, put it in a medium pot, fill with enough water to cover the chicken, cover, and bring to a boil until the chicken is no longer pink (170 degrees Fahrenheit)
    • For boneless, skinless breasts that aren't cut, it should take 15-20 minutes to fully cook
    • For two-inch chunks, it should take around 10 minutes. 
    • My battle with the Walmart chicken breasts has been well-documented on this blog. However, I finally worked through that bag, making it possible for me to buy new chicken which looks, cooks, and tastes a million times better! (Thank you Hannah for introducing me to Trader Joes!)
  2. While the chicken boils, boil the pasta according to the instructions on the box. It's pasta. If you don't know how to make pasta... well, I know how to make pasta. You'll be fine.
  3. Now for the sauce. Melt the 8 oz of cream cheese, 1/3 cup of buffalo sauce (or more! READ: MORE) and 1/2 cup of chicken broth in the largest pan you have. I used both a 12", and then a 13" omelette pan. Also, I didn't even know you could melt cream cheese. You learn something new every day! Stir every thirty seconds. 
    The sauce after simmering
  4. Once the cream cheese is fully melted, add in 1 tsp of paprika, 1/2 tsp of black pepper, 1 tsp of garlic powder, 1/2 tsp of kosher salt. Stir in and let the sauce simmer on low heat for five minutes. 
    Before mixing in the bleu cheese
  5. Add in 3/4 cup of bleu cheese dressing to the sauce. Stir in and let simmer for another ten minutes. 
  6. By this time, the chicken and the pasta should both be done. Turn off the heat, and drain the pasta in a colander. 
  7. Remove Chicken with either tongs or a slotted spoon. Place on cutting board, and shred with two forks. Another first! It is just as it sounds- as long as you work while the chicken is hot, it will shred easily.
  8. Add the shredded chicken and the the penne to the sauce, mix in and let simmer for five minutes. I had to switch to the larger pan I had at this point- too much food in one space.
  9. Add sliced green onions and crushed red pepper flakes to the top to taste and enjoy!
    All mixed together
The original recipe says that this serves two. Look at that last picture. There is no way that this serves two. Maybe two squared. Maybe even two cubed. What matters is that this recipe makes a lot. Which is great for me- now I'll have leftovers for the next few days, or I can freeze it to eat down the line. 

Having been "cooking"- or attempting to do so- for the last three months, this is one of the first episodes where I didn't feel nervous. I just... cooked. And while the recipe was fairly simple, most of the things it required were things I didn't even know how to do three months ago. Not bad for one quarter of a year!

To everyone who's been reading, commenting, and suggesting tips and recipes, thank you so much! I truly appreciate it. I've really enjoyed this endeavor and look forward to seeing how I can improve in the next three months before graduation! If you have any suggestions for recipes or techniques to try, please don't hesitate to comment below or email me at dontexpectmiraclesblog@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Glorious Grilled Cheese

I almost made this post title VERY punny. I decided to spare you. You're welcome.

My first semester of college, the dining hall announced that April was "National Grilled cheese" month, and insisted on serving grilled cheese every day. Every. Single. Day.

Needless to say, grilled cheese seemed terribly unappetizing for a while. And by that, I mean for nearly the last two years. However, I re-embranced what is basically toast with pretend cheese on it over break, finding it one of the few things I intuitively could figure out how to make.

And then, I found a beautiful new version on pinterest: Pesto, Brie, and Red Pepper Grilled Cheese.

This grilled cheese was fairly simple to make, as are most grilled cheeses. It only requires a handful of ingredients and tastes gourmet. I did not follow the original recipe exactly, but it did give me the inspiration. Here's what I did:

  1. Heat about 1 tbsp of oil in a pan on low heat.
  2. Lightly oil one side of two slices of thick-cut artisan bread. I did this month's grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and their artisan bread is my new favorite. 
  3. On one slice, spread about one tablespoon basil pesto on the non-oiled side.
  4. On the other slice, spread as much brie cheese as your soul desires. For those who don't know, Brie comes with a white layer of mold around it, called a rind. The rind IS edible, and when eating it sliced, it's "the best part" according to some. However, it's all a matter of taste. I would recommend not putting the rind in the sandwich. 
  5. Slice a large red bell pepper into quarters. Place about 1/4 of chopped red pepper onto the brie-spread slice. 
  6. Assemble sandwich and place in the pan. 
  7. Toast sandwich for a few minutes on each side until bread is golden brown, and cheese is melted. 
  8. Enjoy your gourmet grilled cheese!

This recipe proved to me that something that has fancy ingredients does not always mean difficult. I will definitely be making this again- it was a fantastic spin on the Kraft-slice classic. If you have any suggestions for recipes or techniques to try, please don't hesitate to comment below or email me at dontexpectmiraclesblog@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!

Original Recipe: http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/brie-pesto-and-sweet-pepper-grilled-cheese/ 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Margherita Pizza!

My penultimate day of break, my Mom came home from work and said something she almost never does: Let's order a pizza.

Now, don't get me wrong. The DiVenere family loves pizza. I mean, it's pizza. It's just that usually, our pizza comes in the form of DiGiorno, not delivery. So of course, when my mother decided that we should order out, we had no idea where to order from. The debate over which wonderful Chicago pizzeria to call went on half an hour, until I realized... I can make a pizza. From scratch.

And so, with my family still hotly debating in the next room, I found a crust recipe on pinterest and went to work. Here it is!

First, the crust:

While most pizza doughs use yeast, I knew my family had none of it in the house, so I found a frequently repinned and well-rated recipe for a no-yeast dough. It turned out great- thin and crispy. I actually think that based on the consistency, this crust would be great if making a Chicago-style deep dish pizza.
Before Mixing

  1. Combine 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 2 3/4 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, in mixing bowl. Toss together. 
  2. Add 1 tbsp. olive or canola oil (I used olive) as well as 3/4 to 1 cup of water. 
  3. Use a stand mixer with a dough attachment to mix on a medium speed until dough starts climbing hook.
  4. After dough is thoroughly mixed (it won't be very sticky), knead on lightly floured surface for three to five minutes.
  5. Roll out to desired thickness and place on pizza pan or stone. Someday I'll do a post with a much more thorough description of how to toss pizza dough, but today is not that day.
  6. After Mixing
  7. Set aside while you preheat oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit. 
The best part of making your own pizza is that you get to decide on the toppings. We didn't have any sauce in the house, so I decided to go with a Margherita pizza. 

For those who don't know, Margherita is sauceless, using chopped tomatoes in lieu of a sauce, real, whole-milk Mozzarella, and olive oil. When topping the crust:

  • Brush a layer of olive oil onto the crust before adding the other toppings. 
  • Slice and then chop the mozzarella so that the cheese is evenly distributed.
  • Seed and chop your tomatoes. Do this by halving and then squeezing the tomato over a small bowl to catch the juice and seeds. Distribute evenly along crust.
  • Add Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper to taste. 
  • Place pizza in oven, bake for 15-20 minutes, or until edges are crispy and cheese is completely melted. 

When it's done, you'll have a beautiful, delicious pizza that looks gorgeous, like this: 

It was delicious, and took less than 45 minutes when it was all said and done. And, what's more, it tasted a million times better than your standard 30-minutes-or-less pizzas. Had we had it in the house, I would recommend drizzling balsamic vinegar after taking it out of the oven. I will definitely be making this again.

Now, I'm back in Winona, back in my own kitchen, and able to make sure I stick to a schedule. I'll be posting again on Thursday with a new, fancy twist on grilled cheese. If you have any suggestions for recipes or tecniques to try, please don't hesitate to comment below or email me at dontexpectmiraclesblog@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!


Breaks are hard. Somehow you have oodles of time and no time at all. That was the dilemma I faced during my last real break of my undergraduate. However, I did cook quite a bit over break- I just didn't post any of it. So here's a post full of pictures of some of the things I did make! I learned how to grill, made a metric ton of cookie dough, used a Spritz cookie maker, tossed Pizza dough in the air like a real Italian and got to use the beautiful new-to-me KitchenAid mixer my parents found me on Craigslist (best Christmas present ever!)